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During this time I’ve lost all sense of pride a 1000 times over, just these 4 walls and me.

I’m taking a little break from GROW to continue to ‘GROW THE F*CK UP’ but until then here are some of the survival quotes that kept me fighting every single day during the loss of a father, a job, friends and Indo.

RISE - Don’t get angry or enraged or insulted. Rise above the bullshit. Flick your light back on, and shine it brighter then ever, and fall so deeply in love with your own life that anyone who tried to wrong you becomes a laudable, ridiculous distant, memory.

At some point the excuses will take more energy than the change. Change can be uncomfortable, but it’s also where the magic happens ~ Brittin Oakman

Friendship is just giving each other the same advice back and forth and no one taking it. ~ Lameravioli

Happiness is like being cool: the harder you try the less it’s going to happen. So STOP trying, Start living! ~ Mark Manson

Everything is going to work out perfectly. There is no need to stress and worry about the things you cannot control. When you understand everything in your life happens for you and not to you, this is the moment everything changes. ~ Lewis Howes

To all the lights who chose to dim when I was in the darkness, thank you for teaching me that my own light is all I need. ~ Najwa Zebian

The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen. ~ Simon Sinek

Let November surprise you. What’s meant to come into your life will come. Everything will work out sooner or later. And it will work out in the most magnificent ways that you didn’t even see coming. Surrender & trust. ~ Lukas Notes

Sometimes things need to end before new beginnings can rise. Sometimes people need to break so they can truly heal, and sometimes love needs to leave before it can return in a different way. In the way it was always supposed to. ~ Ruby Dhal

It all starts with you. If you want to change the world, you have to change yourself. If you want to save others, you must first save yourself. The world needs people who are willing to do the work necessary to heal, grow, evolve. You lead by living the way.

I no longer fear my future, because I am creating it.

Homemade Happiness xo

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